Scheduled Charge Issues - Post ME3.7 Update

Faults and Technical chat for the Skoda Enyaq
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Post by chillyboy123 »

Sorry I know this was discussed in another thread but I feel this needs its own thread.

There seems to be a serious issue with charge schedules post the update to ME3.7

So this week I have had the car in for the ME3.0 to ME3.7 update.

I am an Intelligent Octopus Go user with a Podpoint home charger.

Prior to my update I had the following set up.

- Octopus App set up for my car.
- No schedules set up in the car menu's
- A daily schedule on the pod point setup (23:30 - 0800) The car will not start a charge unless it in in the overnight rate period.

This setup's been working fine for ages.

When I plugged the car in on charge it would wait until 23:30 before anything happened. Then Octopus would start the process and create the intelligent window and start the charging,

You don't need a schedule as Octopus should do it on its own. But there is the odd time when the Skoda servers are down, when Octopus cant talk to the car. This as the impact of the car charging straight away during peak charging rates. Very annoying !!! So using the schedule on the Pod point stopped this for been an issue.

Post update:

First night no charge happened on the old setup. Skoda app doesn't even acknowledge that it was plugged in. The LED in the charge port area goes RED and there is an error showing in the Skoda app.

Last night same again, I had to remove the schedule from the charger. I then spent 20 mins trying everything to force the car to charge.

I have tried the two solutions already mentioned on the other thread :

- I have reset the cars charging location to my home address in the car settings menu.
- I have pulled fuse 3 from the fuse box under the bonnet to reset the charging module.

Neither worked and I still have the issue.

Does anyone have a working solution to this ?
2024 Enyaq 85 Edition - Graphite Grey, 20” Vega Alloys, Sunroof.
(Running ME 4.0)
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Post by Aragorn »

Not had the update yet, but some points:

The red led on the charge port is because the charger is "off" due to the timer. Thats normal but might be impacting Intelligent Octopus if the car thinks the charger is broken.

Having a schedule set can complicate things, but ofcourse you've tried without that. Ideally with Intelligent Octopus you want no schedules set anywhere, in the car or elsewhere.

I plug the car in, then stop the charge by pressing the button on the central screen. This stops the car charging on the expensive rate while waiting for Octopus to realise the car is at home and plugged in, but the charger itself is still "live" and the car can see that. Give that a try and see what happens? Usually within 5-15mins i'll get the notification from Ocotpus.

Is the app showing vehicle location? IO checks the vehicle location (nothing to do with the in car charging location settings) and uses that to know the car is at home and connected. If location info is not available, IO will not work. Software updates can alter the settings for "online" mode and "location sharing", so check these are active.
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Post by chillyboy123 »


Location and privacy settings in the car are set correctly.

I am aware that you should not use any schedule when you are an Intelligent Octopus Go user.

I have done this though for over a year on ME3.0. This solution stops the many occasions when you wake up to realise that the car charged at peak rate 4 times more than expected.

This happens when the Skoda servers / app are down and Octopus can’t talk to the car. So it doesn’t schedule an intelligent schedule and just charges straight away.

Testing continues……

I have pulled fuse 3 again and left it out for 5 mins.

With the schedule still on the Podpoint it still doesn’t work as I would like. The red LED comes on after a minute and the following error appears.


Then I tried again, this time I removed the schedule from the Podpoint and it does now work !!!!
The car initiates a charge then Octopus creates a smart schedule and the charge is paused.

That is fine for me although not how I would like it.

But the problem still exists.

What if I am not an Octopus user, and I want to use my chargers schedule.

On ME3.7 I can not do that at the moment.
2024 Enyaq 85 Edition - Graphite Grey, 20” Vega Alloys, Sunroof.
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Post by khikhi »

Thanks for sharing your testing results. I'm facing kind of similar challenges. I have controlled my charger with Home Assistant for two years without problems.

Now after ME3.7 update there are few different cases where the charging has failed. First I started to get battery protection alerts and charging didn't start remotely - after removing and reconnecting of charging cable the charging started immediately. Second case has happened during last days... I don't get battery protection alerts anymore but sometimes charging won't start, but after refreshing the mySkoda App the charging started.

Overall the ME3.7 update has been good and fixed other bugs that my car had.
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Post by chillyboy123 »

To me it appears they have changed something in ME3.7.

If you plug the car on charge with a charger on a time schedule, the cable is plugged in but no electric is flowing.

It seems that the car can no longer deal with this situation and gives an error.

It can not recover from the error even once the time schedule arrives and electric tries to start flowing.

If this is the case I don’t expect a software fix anytime soon 😩

I am hoping someone else as discovered a walk around fix.
2024 Enyaq 85 Edition - Graphite Grey, 20” Vega Alloys, Sunroof.
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Post by chillyboy123 »

May have found another solution.

The scheduling in the car menu now seems to work perfectly.

I never got this to work before on previous versions of software.

So I can make sure a charge doesn’t start prior to 23:30 this way.

But the fact you can’t use the Schedule on the charger on ME3.7 is not good.
2024 Enyaq 85 Edition - Graphite Grey, 20” Vega Alloys, Sunroof.
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Post by Aragorn »

This problem has popped up over and over with various cars and chargers, not just the Enyaq.

The issue, essentially, is that the charging protocol used by all EV's is very basic and does not have any properly defined provision for the charger to tell the car "hi, i'm here, but theres a timer set and i cant deliver power just yet, please wait".

Thus different chargers end up using various non standard "states" to signal this issue, and sometimes the combination of charger and car simply doesnt get on, because the car doesnt understand what is happening. In most cases it does just sort of work, by luck or otherwise.

As a workaround with IO, simply pressing the stop button on the screen saves the car from charging while you wait for the schedule. Only takes a moment. I usually plug in, then walk round the passenger side to grab my bag and lean in and press the "stop" button while i'm grabbing my bag.
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Post by chillyboy123 »

Aragorn wrote: Fri Jun 21, 2024 8:02 am As a workaround with IO, simply pressing the stop button on the screen saves the car from charging while you wait for the schedule. Only takes a moment. I usually plug in, then walk round the passenger side to grab my bag and lean in and press the "stop" button while i'm grabbing my bag.
This is a solution I have tried before. But it is not fool proof.

On those said occasions where Skoda/VW servers are down, you will wake up having had no charging overnight.

Reason being is you have plugged the car in then manually stopped it. Since Octopus is unable to talk to the car due to the server issue, there is nothing to tell the car to restart the charging at 23:30.

I have had the car long enough to had all these frustrations occur too many times.

The solution I was using with the schedule, guaranteed a charge at 23:30 at the overnight rate regardless of the status of the Skoda/VW servers.

And I didn’t have to do anything other than plug it in and forget about it.

Hence my frustration that I can’t do this now on ME3.7.
2024 Enyaq 85 Edition - Graphite Grey, 20” Vega Alloys, Sunroof.
(Running ME 4.0)
Replaced my 2021 Enyaq iV60 - Race Blue.
Guitar George
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Post by Guitar George »

Doesn't work with Zappi either.
AND.... It can't cope with charging from solar excess either! A complete stuff-up from Skoda.
I set my Zappi onto eco+ as advised, no schedule in the car, plugged the car in (after dark).
Got up in the morning to find that not only did it not charge overnight according to the io schedule, but it wasn't charging from the excess solar either.
I did, however, discover that if you are awake when it should be getting a scheduled charge, if you unlock and relock the car, it will start charging....
Does anyone know whether Skoda have knackered external scheduled charging in ME4.0 too?
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Post by tjsa »

I know the original post explicitly mentions that pulling fuse 3 did not fix the problem, but it might still be worth of mentioning again viewtopic.php?p=27191#p27191. Fuse 3 for the onboard charger is in the fuse box under the hood, labelled "Front Compartment Fuse Box" in this doc ... 2023-fuses

For me the reset did the trick. Hopefully it stays that way!
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