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Minority Report (Tangential to Charging!)

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2022 7:17 am
by Fossilnot
My ancient iPhone was clearly on it’s last lap. I opted for a 5G capable Android phone solely because of the extortionate prices demanded for new iPhones.

The learning curve is on the same scale as going directly from a ICE car to full electric but that is by the way…

The first app I enabled was for my home charger (naturally!). And WOW it is a great improvement. What was clunky, slightly unpredictable, a bit unreliable, has been transformed into a much better experience.

Obviously I realise that developers provide different versions of the same app but, crucially, I enabled my. iPhone version from the QR code on the wall box (so it would have been dated to whenever the wall box was manufactured) whereas the Android version I enabled from Play Store so it is as up to date as possible.

It raises the possibility that, had my iPhone continued to function, I could have updated the app from iTunes-possibly-and had a better experience all along.

And why is it worth posting? Well for the minority of Enyaq owners who are finding home charging a less than life enhancing experience it is something to try-particularly so in a multi phone household.
